"Blue bird, sat in the tree, sing me a song and tell me where you have been."
"I've been sailing above treetops, flying high, so very high,
far up into heaven beyond the distant sky.
I've seen the vastness of the oceans, their blue-green tipped with surf.
I've seen diamonds in their settings, nestled deep within the earth--
and even there, they capture the light.
"I've seen the benevolence and beauty of people passing by,
and have watched in amazement as some venture to climb
the highest peaks of mountains,
to gain just a glimpse
of what it is that I see.
"My feathered tips have carried me, as I'm taken by the winds,
to mystical lands and places far beyond my dreams.
They exist in secret corners, that others do not know,
and there walk the Ancient Ones
—in their solace and divine spirit.
"There, they plan the future
of how humankind might grow;
some plans are written as law
and some
are for future dreamers to know.
"They decree, the world is traveling to some distant point,
where peace is laid as pathways within the divine heart, of each.
They know the earth is renewing, herself, from all that has passed by,
as they dream of her rivers flowing once more
and her love shining, through each sunset and dawn.
"Such a vision seems like heaven, I know, for indeed it most surely is.
It's a place where forgiveness is given and awareness is born,
that gives rise to the spiritual altitude that I, the blue bird, have seen
and have come to know—in my dreams and visions--
flying high above it all."