A feather pen flickers in the lamplight, that illuminates the pages set on the desk. The feather's tip, filled with ink, scratches its impressions on the scroll laid before it. The shafts of light play on the feather's wings that dance as an angel against the wall that is illuminated by the light.
A chart is being drawn, by old hands that are wrapped around the feather's stalk. The sketching of degrees, numbers, circles with circles, stars within stars and planetary constellations, soon appear on the papyrus.
Then, a voice reverberates throughout this room, that startles the scribe-astrologer. The voice emanates from an actual angel, arc angel, who stands before this withered old man.
The angel says, "You have worked this chart before, many eons and lifetimes ago. It is the star-child whose chart you craft, and this child has come in many generations, as many great teachers. All are born of one consciousness, of one light, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Christ...; all are called by the one star of light, of origin, and they chart their course in the same direction, as the stars have foretold. They bring awakening to man, they bring light into darkness and consciousness to unconsciousness. But, most of all that star, crafted by your pen, predicts the star of love that has always been given and that is born again, as this world is ready to open and to receive its love.
(Buddha Photograph, from istockphotos.)