From Heaven To Earth
(A journey through the mist.)

It's time to pack, I'm almost ready to leave. So, I turn to my angels and ask them what I should take with me on this journey.
They tell me, "Well everything that's physical will be provided for; your every need will be met. What you must take with you is already in your heart, and always will be.
"You must take your courage, for you will need that when the road does not always go the way that you hoped, and so you will be called to step off that pathway and onto a new one, and that will take courage—to take a risk and try something new.
"You must also take your strength with you, because there will be stones on the path that you must skip over, and if you take a fall then you must use this strength to pick yourself up again."
Oh, how interesting. I think to myself.
And, because Spirit can read our every thought, my angels acknowledge my surprise and intrigue. In response, I say to them, "I thought that this journey was going to be plain sailing."
"Ah, that will come later," they say, "when you find your spiritual feet and the truth that you are here to share. But, all the deviations of your path, and the falls that you have to recover from, will serve to awaken this spiritual truth within you.
"Although you are a spiritually awakening being, here in the light and comfort of heaven, when you arrive at your destination—this place that they call Earth—it will be like entering a mist or deep fog."
"What is this fog, this mist? What will that be like?" I ask with insistence.
My angels continue to explain, "On your arrival on Earth this fog will surround you, and infiltrate you for a time. This fog is called separation consciousness, and it is an illusion that they live by on that plane of reality. You might believe this illusion for a while, but soon you will remember the truth, and the fog will begin to clear and your light will shine again."
Oh, that's very interesting, I again think to myself, and then notice my angels smiling at my response.
"What an adventure this will become," I say, while smiling in return. "How novel it will be to wander through that fog, to only then find out something that I already knew. It’s quite comical really, don't you think?"
"Yes, it is," they acknowledge. "It is quite comical, when you view it from our realm, and it will appear quite comical to you, as soon as you remember the truth.
"One of the great teachers of that realm, who lived many eras ago, is remembered for his joyful and smiling face." My angels say. "He got the joke too, and the divine comedy that plays out on that plane. They called him the Buddha, and he is often conveyed with a smiling, jovial face because he saw the truth, and shared that truth with others. However, not that many there can see the truth, but they are taking this journey also, to discover this truth in their own way. The truth is that there is only love inside of them, and everything; love is all that there is."
I reflect on their story for a few moments, and then conclude," So I will be smiling and laughing on this journey. That's what I'll find and experience once I remember the truth."
"That's right." My angels reply.
"What else might I discover there, on this Earth?" I just can't help but ask.
"You will see God in every face, and you will especially enjoy the children of this plane, you will see the pure essence of their joy. You'll see the beauty of this earth, and you'll sing with rainbows and dance with butterflies.
"You'll love the animal kingdom, because they will remind you of the truth of our collective innocence. You will also see the masks that people wear, that protect them from the fear of their own illusions of self. In them you will see only love."
My guides then come closer to me, and I can feel their soft white feathers stroke my face, as I also feel their great love for me. They continue to share, "The greatest adventure of all, however, will be for you to call into your self, and experience for yourself, the heaven that you create and bring to the earth, through your own life. Then your experience will be just like it is here, in our realm of heaven and light."
"So, it will be a home from home, really." I reply.
My angels confer for a moment, and then seem to agree about how they should respond, and say, "Well really you will exist in both places as the two become one, one place, one love, and one home of heaven, that you never really leave. You will see heaven all around you, in the beauty of this world, and you will feel heaven within you and your life will come to reflect only this—heavenly state of being. You will be able to return to our realm—in your heart, mind, and soul—in a moment, just by opening your heart and closing your eyes to all else that does not hold truth."
"Fantastic!" I respond, in my excited about this prospect of being in two places at once, and the truth that the realm of heaven can be created on this place called Earth. I am so eager to leave now, to take my transition from one plane to another, and so I ask, "Angels, I can't wait to begin, is it time now?" And as we begin to move through the ethers, that mark the boundary of time and space, I ask, " Are we there yet?"
My guides gently steady my excitement, and one of them places their hand on my shoulder, saying, "Just close your eyes and make a wish, and your wish will always make it so."
So like Dorothy, I made my wish, I took my journey, and I found my way home.
Morning Star
(And her angels)
Copyright © 2011 by Morning Star (Sally Jordan Austin).