Morning Star's Inspirational Prose
1. Moon Glow
2. Through The Star Gate (Prose and Guided Meditation) 3. The Writing Room. 4. Like a Hand Above The Fire. 5. Fairy Wings
Moon Glow (Dedicated to the Divine Feminine)
The fullness of her silver light and crown of stars, the pregnant maiden, poised to birth her many creations. Her garment, a halo of rainbow light, that fills the aura of her full moon.
It is as if the clouds have parted now, to reveal her majesty in its completeness, with a brilliance to shine forth, casting her light upon the earth. No longer can the clouds of illusion stand in her way, to cover the illumination of her love.
Like a queen of the heavens, she surveys the dominion that lies at her feet. The supreme Mother, Goddess, with oval belly protruding with the ripeness of her wisdom—that is now so full that she cannot contain it, any more. Her silver glow must be released on white wings, allowing her ideas to take flight—and take their journey to unknown destinations. Guided by instinct alone, they will find their nesting place upon this earth, and there they may propagate and feed the mouths of hungry chicks, awaiting her words and silvery light.
The majesty of the heavens is revealed on this night, of the moon's glow—that has never before seemed so brilliant, or beautiful. Perhaps, this is because the clouds have previously obscured her visibility, or perhaps the same clouds, on this night, have softly parted, sufficiently, to encircle her omnipresence. Such clouds now bow before her, succumbing to the power of her form, of her light, as if knowing that their time has now come to an end.
Ever so brightly, her light is seen in this celebration of her beauty—that even she has seemed to only just realize, along with her power—that causes the tide's eternal motion. Her power effects the other celestial bodies, and allows their light to dance in unison with her own majestic form, as all come together in a tapestry of harmony—directed by the hands of heaven, that sets into motion the eternal flow of the infinite, that exists inside of each of us. And in our eyes, what can be seen, on the darkest of nights, is a sliver of her silvery glow, that reflects in the pools of our consciousness, our unique capacity to grow and expand, in light.
It is as if the clouds have parted now, to reveal her majesty in its completeness, with a brilliance to shine forth, casting her light upon the earth. No longer can the clouds of illusion stand in her way, to cover the illumination of her love.
Like a queen of the heavens, she surveys the dominion that lies at her feet. The supreme Mother, Goddess, with oval belly protruding with the ripeness of her wisdom—that is now so full that she cannot contain it, any more. Her silver glow must be released on white wings, allowing her ideas to take flight—and take their journey to unknown destinations. Guided by instinct alone, they will find their nesting place upon this earth, and there they may propagate and feed the mouths of hungry chicks, awaiting her words and silvery light.
The majesty of the heavens is revealed on this night, of the moon's glow—that has never before seemed so brilliant, or beautiful. Perhaps, this is because the clouds have previously obscured her visibility, or perhaps the same clouds, on this night, have softly parted, sufficiently, to encircle her omnipresence. Such clouds now bow before her, succumbing to the power of her form, of her light, as if knowing that their time has now come to an end.
Ever so brightly, her light is seen in this celebration of her beauty—that even she has seemed to only just realize, along with her power—that causes the tide's eternal motion. Her power effects the other celestial bodies, and allows their light to dance in unison with her own majestic form, as all come together in a tapestry of harmony—directed by the hands of heaven, that sets into motion the eternal flow of the infinite, that exists inside of each of us. And in our eyes, what can be seen, on the darkest of nights, is a sliver of her silvery glow, that reflects in the pools of our consciousness, our unique capacity to grow and expand, in light.
Through The Star Gate
There comes a time when we can no longer live by an old reality, or follow the ways of an old and eroding self. We reach a point of critical mass, which means we have reached the end of wanting to follow the old path, with all of its unloving self-tendencies, emotional patterns, and ways of relating to others. We can no longer tolerate the unloving ways that others respond to us, or the way we respond to ourselves.
So at this point of "I have had enough," we are offered a new opportunity—by our Higher Selves, by God, and the light. The Universe hears our call, and this change is a product of our increased self-loving, that gives rise to the voice inside of us that is saying: it is time to create and experience something else, something new.
We are then invited to walk through the star gate, the star gate of a higher reality, where there exists a new level of choices, that we wish to live by. Through the star gate, our Higher Self is calling us onto a higher level of being. However, to walk through the star gate, we need to be willing to let go of some, if not all, of our old tendencies, that have created great pain for us, or at the very least perpetuate a sense of struggle with our selves and with others.
As we walk through the star gate, we may momentarily reflect on what it is that must be left behind. In most cases, this refers to those things that we have truly have had enough of. It may be letting go of referring to yourself as others see you, rather than through the truth of your spiritual essence. It may be releasing a pattern of "getting" from others, what we truly need to give to ourselves: such as self-love, healing, turning to the Source for our abundance—and therefore knowing that through this internal source of Spirit, everything is already given, already received. For some, letting go may entail releasing negative thinking, or taming the inner dialogue with yourself—that is self-depreciating, critical, or judgmental. We were all born of the love derived from Great Spirit’s perfect image, and whatever you think you are, or have been, one thing is the truth—that you are always of love, innocence and divine perfection. This truth is the key that opens the door to the Star Gate of our new being, and the new level of reality we wish to live by.
So at this point of "I have had enough," we are offered a new opportunity—by our Higher Selves, by God, and the light. The Universe hears our call, and this change is a product of our increased self-loving, that gives rise to the voice inside of us that is saying: it is time to create and experience something else, something new.
We are then invited to walk through the star gate, the star gate of a higher reality, where there exists a new level of choices, that we wish to live by. Through the star gate, our Higher Self is calling us onto a higher level of being. However, to walk through the star gate, we need to be willing to let go of some, if not all, of our old tendencies, that have created great pain for us, or at the very least perpetuate a sense of struggle with our selves and with others.
As we walk through the star gate, we may momentarily reflect on what it is that must be left behind. In most cases, this refers to those things that we have truly have had enough of. It may be letting go of referring to yourself as others see you, rather than through the truth of your spiritual essence. It may be releasing a pattern of "getting" from others, what we truly need to give to ourselves: such as self-love, healing, turning to the Source for our abundance—and therefore knowing that through this internal source of Spirit, everything is already given, already received. For some, letting go may entail releasing negative thinking, or taming the inner dialogue with yourself—that is self-depreciating, critical, or judgmental. We were all born of the love derived from Great Spirit’s perfect image, and whatever you think you are, or have been, one thing is the truth—that you are always of love, innocence and divine perfection. This truth is the key that opens the door to the Star Gate of our new being, and the new level of reality we wish to live by.
Star Gate—Guided Imagery Meditation
So let us take a moment or two, to sit beside the flowing river, in front of this star gate. Let us together call in the light, and infinite loving and divine grace—that provides us with the energy that we need to let go of these old distortions, of ourselves, and the old reality.
As you close your eyes, and breathe in the light and loving that exists in this internal reality, reflect on what you are ready to release and let go of. Allow yourself to visualize releasing those things into the river, so that they can return to the source of all healing. You can visualize this, or you can verbally state out loud, what it is you are ready to let go of forever…
You may also then state, out loud, the truth of what you are now choosing for yourself. For example: “I am now choosing to only stand within my truth, self-loving, and light, and to only allow myself to interact with others, and experiences, that are for my highest good, and that are prevalent with loving, respect, and healing.”
So now we are ready to turn towards the star gate. As you turn towards this new field of reality, you may see, feel, or imagine a snow white angel stood there beside you, who only has love for you, and who is here to take you beyond what you have known or expected for yourself. This being is here to teach you to grow into a new level of loving for yourself, and for others, but mostly to teach you to truly respect yourself and your sacredness, which will then take you into a whole new reality and existence of life and being.
So now returning to our meditation, imagine yourself washing your hands in the stream—as a final releasing and cleansing ritual. As you stand there, you find that your garments are now white and flowing robes, this reflects the ritual cleansing that you have just received. By your side now, you imagine, this white angel. She or he is standing beside you, and whispers to you to make a wish from your heart, of self-love—which is the key to everything. As you make your wish, it incorporates the wish for the door to self-loving, to everything, to the greater level of expression, and living through the light, to be made available to you.
Then you see that the door of this star gate, that represents all of this, opens. You walk through the star gate, with your angel of light. At first the light that you see is so bright that it is hard for you to see any shape or form. Eventually your eyes become accustomed to this light, and you are able to see a landscape and what is beyond. More and more details are revealed to you, many of which are symbolic—of what this new level can mean and what you may find and discover there. Your angel will talk to you, and help you to understand the meaning behind what you see. So take a few moments to explore what you might imagine, and find, through the star gate...
What is it that you see?
Write, or journal, from your experience, even though some of the images may not make sense right now, they will in time. Or, as you are writing, you can ask your angel to help you to understand some of the meanings you received, from the field of images beyond the star gate.
As you close your eyes, and breathe in the light and loving that exists in this internal reality, reflect on what you are ready to release and let go of. Allow yourself to visualize releasing those things into the river, so that they can return to the source of all healing. You can visualize this, or you can verbally state out loud, what it is you are ready to let go of forever…
You may also then state, out loud, the truth of what you are now choosing for yourself. For example: “I am now choosing to only stand within my truth, self-loving, and light, and to only allow myself to interact with others, and experiences, that are for my highest good, and that are prevalent with loving, respect, and healing.”
So now we are ready to turn towards the star gate. As you turn towards this new field of reality, you may see, feel, or imagine a snow white angel stood there beside you, who only has love for you, and who is here to take you beyond what you have known or expected for yourself. This being is here to teach you to grow into a new level of loving for yourself, and for others, but mostly to teach you to truly respect yourself and your sacredness, which will then take you into a whole new reality and existence of life and being.
So now returning to our meditation, imagine yourself washing your hands in the stream—as a final releasing and cleansing ritual. As you stand there, you find that your garments are now white and flowing robes, this reflects the ritual cleansing that you have just received. By your side now, you imagine, this white angel. She or he is standing beside you, and whispers to you to make a wish from your heart, of self-love—which is the key to everything. As you make your wish, it incorporates the wish for the door to self-loving, to everything, to the greater level of expression, and living through the light, to be made available to you.
Then you see that the door of this star gate, that represents all of this, opens. You walk through the star gate, with your angel of light. At first the light that you see is so bright that it is hard for you to see any shape or form. Eventually your eyes become accustomed to this light, and you are able to see a landscape and what is beyond. More and more details are revealed to you, many of which are symbolic—of what this new level can mean and what you may find and discover there. Your angel will talk to you, and help you to understand the meaning behind what you see. So take a few moments to explore what you might imagine, and find, through the star gate...
What is it that you see?
Write, or journal, from your experience, even though some of the images may not make sense right now, they will in time. Or, as you are writing, you can ask your angel to help you to understand some of the meanings you received, from the field of images beyond the star gate.
The Writing Room
A great white doorway marks the entranceway to the inner kingdom of my imagination. As I step through this porthole, it is as if a great white guardian bids me entry—while also marking the boundary of my sacred space, where no other may enter. Here he stands, this illuminated and formidable presence, with sword in hand, held in defense and guardianship, never in attack.
His presence contrasts with this soft welcoming room, with white pillows resting upon a luscious carpet of green. Milky white curtains billow like clouds in the sky, stirred by the breeze from an open window.
My desk invites me, with clean sheets of paper calling me to the creation of ideas and words, that might dance upon their surface. As I sit awaiting the voice within to emerge, I am caught by the sweet succulent scent of lilacs and jasmine, enticing my senses from the garden beyond my windowsill, and from whose sweet nectar the humming bird may drink. These scents awaken me to the memory of the first flowers of spring, that awaken us from winter’s deep slumber, and my mind begins to open, receptive to inspiration.
Inspiration arrives in the form of a ladybug visitor who crawls across the blank pages upon which my pen is poised. Rather than words engaging this cumbersome metal object, it instead becomes a source of play—an obstacle course for miss ladybug’s spindly legs. I observe the contrast of these two worlds—that my pen and this creature represent, one being the creation of man, from the realm of thought and ideas, with an exactness and control that is at times stifling, the other the natural world of miss ladybug, where everything flows in curves of momentary experiences, caught by a sudden breeze that casts the seeds of the old oak tree to fertile ground.
Miss ladybug takes her leave, knowing that the objects so alien to her world might be fun to explore for a little while but pale in comparison to the adventures she might find outside the open window. I wonder about what strange and beautiful worlds her instincts may carry her to, free as she is to go where her heart may lead, as I also wonder about the adventures of my soul that has danced upon rainbows, followed shooting stars, and journey to places that are beyond my physical reach, sat here in my writing room.
With the flutter of inspiration, that visitor to my room bestowed, my soul has been set free, with wings that carry me to a distant realm that takes shape in a mind ignited by nature’s beauty. I soar over ancient ruins and distant landscapes, only to settle by a cooling sea. Like glass, its surface of blue green shimmers in the morning sun, with gentle waves that do little to disturb the peaceful surface. I settle in this natural harbor that is sheltered from the world by great mountains, that seem as old as the world. All is quiet, serene, and beautiful, an idyllic place, truly a Garden of Eden.
Nestled in a valley, just beyond the ocean’s reach, on firm ground and fertile soil, lies a gathering of dome-like structures, with a whisper of smoke exhaled from a fireplace within, busy in its purpose of warming the broth the breaks the fast of the inhabitants.
A crooked figure, leading a mule with baskets heavy-laden from the harvest fields, labors home to that same valley, perhaps to provide the grain for the later day’s meal. Not close enough to see his face, merely a silhouette in the morning sun he appears to me, and yet he seems to turn, to pause, and to embrace the view of the ocean’s quiet, before returning to his task of the day.
I once more turn to the cool surf before me, quiet, reflective, peaceful, enjoying the paradise of this place. It needs nothing more, complete within its own beingness and beauty. I decide to rest within its scene for a while….
The increasing warmth of the sun now stirs me from slumber, telling me to find shelter from its power as it climbs towards its highest point in the sky.
On a nearby hillside, overlooking the ocean’s vast plane, stands a small house. It seems familiar, reminiscent of another existence, another life. My curiosity drives me to my feet, urging me to explore the spiraling pathway interwoven with the tapestry of that hillside. My eventual climb to this curious destination, soon finds me at its garden gate, and then on to an open doorway. The house seems to be calling me to enter, as if I have a right to be there and am known in this place.
Ah yes, I realize now why that sense of the familiar overwhelmed me, as I find myself invited into a room, where once more I find myself sitting at a desk in my writing room, where the view of flower buds and oak trees are replaced by that blue-green ocean, and the salted air disturbs the pages on my desk, pages that have danced within the realms of my imagining and are now filled with the inscription of a journey from which my soul can now rest.
Like a Hand Above the Fire
Her lips pursed, as if waiting to be kissed by the wind and salted air—that gently presses against her face, as the ship cuts through the waves, and marks her final voyage. The soft light, that dances upon the waters before her, glistens with the hope of a the new land that awaits her, a place that also represents an inner terrain that she must explore.
Fascinated by the horizon illuminated before her, she also allows herself to take a sigh of relief, as she drops the last burden of what has been, freed at last from the ponderings of a path—that she once scrutinized for answers.
Now she recognizes that all answers lie before her, and the past is like sand, sifted for the thousandth time, and all of jewels, those grains contained, have already been recovered. Now, she must look beyond her previous experience towards something new, that can mirror to her an ever-emerging light, born of the growth that her soul must now take. She must be daring enough to step outside of the box, and let her fire take on its own life, just as the setting sun now rages in the sky before her, willing her to follow its lead and dissolve beyond the horizon of the familiar, and shed its light on ever more distant lands, that it discovers at world’s end.
Like a hand above the fire—of the setting sun, a new land greets her. As she reaches the harbored, she is ready to disembark onto the terrain of a new field of experience.
A few harbor lights, spotted here and there along the walkway, invite her, like faeries, into the approaching dusk and natural rugged terrain. There is little daylight left to play with, and yet she must make her ascent to her final destination of the day, that is perched above the harbor—a small domed building, that reflects the last rays of daylight.
As she reaches this domed structure, she touches the soft granite of an open doorway, and taking a deep breath ventures within. The entrance room is draped with a forest of chiffon and silk curtains, descending from the infinite, and providing a labyrinth that she makes her way through, to the large meeting room beyond.
As large as this room is, it holds presence for just one being, sat in the distant corner by an open fire. He seems to be in deep contemplation, and she is reticent to disturb his deep quiet. So she sits on a pile of cushions, sat at a little distance before him, and it seems as if that soft thrown has been prepared for her arrival.
Knowing that words would be like coarse sand cast upon a still lake, she sits and joins this great ancient-one, in the realm beyond words, in the silent reality of love and serenity. She feels a door opening within, a gesture welcoming her to an ocean of silence, a place of deep love. As she observes a last murmurings of her mind's activity and limitation, she accepts the invitation of merging with the silence.
"Let go….. let go…… into love and receive…." Are the only thoughts that impress upon her now, as she relaxes and feels a change takeover her, as she succumbs to her own true nature. "Stop doing, stop achieving, and be still. Drink of the cup of love within your soul, within the light of All-That-Is. Stop seeking answers, and the answers will come." an inner voice compels her.
And then she finds her true Self emerging...
She find her Self within an image, sat upon the shore of a silver light-filled ocean. Her breath slows to the sounds of the gentle waves, as she sit before the infinite. There is nowhere to venture, no-thing that she has to be, just peace moving into greater depth of stillness. She feels an embodiment of that wise meditating being, stood beside her. He places a golden shawl around her, and sits with her, in contemplation of the beauty of the infinite that stretches out before them.
As her open hand rests upwards on her knee, he places a star at its center, and shares the thought: "remember who you are, your point of origin. You belong to God. You rest in this physical world and do a good imitation of what it is to fit in here, but you are of God, you are part of All-That-Is. Rest within that and know who you are, be who you are."
She is aware of the emptiness of her other hand, half expecting for a gift to appear there too, but again his thoughts merge with her, as he tells her: "As you become empty, open, you are inviting God to enter into your life and your experience, in each moment. When you are full of busyness, there is no space in order to receive, and so bless the empty spaces, the emptiness of even time, for it is an invitation to receive and to be whole again, to be one with God, and to behold who you are."
She turns her face towards him, and with her eyes, thanks him.
He then turns to her, to say:
“There are many who have come, who have answered your call for help, many teachers who are with you at this time, and in every day. There are many answers that are given, always in the asking you are receiving. You can receive directly from the infinite, of course, but we also know that your human need is to have some form or other to connect to, and so we serve this need, through our presence, to help you to know that we all have walked this pathway also. We all have sought the greater love that is ALL. And so we merge with you, walk with you, still you, and support you on your journey of seeking God, the love of All-That-Is, knowing that all else that you need must follow, will follow, and in this you can rest assured. Rest within love here, rest within love.”
The image begins to fade, and slowly she opens her eyes, and accustoms herself to her surroundings. The fire, in the hearth, has become just a few embers, and she find herself alone in the room. She notices the soft light of dawn drifting through the balcony windows, and moves towards it.
As she stand on the threshold, she inhales the new day. The colors of the morning warm her, and bring renewed life to her body.
In her heart, she thanks the spirit of the wise old teacher, who guided her through the night of her awakening, and welcomed her to this new home.
All that is left for her to do, is to explore what this day has born, what expression of heart and soul it may bring forward, and the love and the joy that she might receive, as she opens both of her hands and allows God to fill the space in between.
Fairy Wings
I touch the silken waters, whose waves part, rushing aside my form, touching my body with coolness and stirring my heart—restoring and balancing the emotions within, and resting my mind from its torment.
As I glide now, turning on my back, I notice the soft white clouds dispersing, welcoming the sun, its power, its grace, strength, and beauty. Its brightness warms the life force within me, welcoming me home to its unfolding grace.
As my movement in the water increases, it is as though I am shedding an old skin, one outworn with worry and concern. An old self, futile in its attempt, to always seek shelter from the storm, and the safe harbor of certainty, is released.
I open to an awareness: that I was not brought here to nestle my craft in the harbor of what is known and familiar. I was brought here to venture into the unknown of my momentary experience. A way of being that I have come to find acceptance for.
As the sun continues to turn the clouds into vapor, reflecting the impermanence of all things, I set my emotional course towards freedom, as I open my fairy wings and begin to glide.
At first, my transparent silken wings open as a water fairies', guiding me beneath the watery surface, cutting through the straights, and moving me on, to the vast expanse of open water. Again I turn, flipping onto my back, and realize how easy my movement has become, as I am now freed of the old restraints.
As I float upon the surface now, I notice a million stars in the heavens, glistening their reflection on the, now, still waters. All is calm here, in this place far beyond the shore. I reflect on the night, and see that its beauty equals that of the day, and the sun's illumination.
However, I am captured by the heavens, whose celestial bodies dance and play in their togetherness. In this reflection, I open to the vastness of my own being, and feel that I have come this way before, knowing this moment—when I realized the past as an illusion, and as it dissolves beyond the brink, I take flight, moving beyond the expanse of the ocean, into the air. As I soar, my wings become pressed against the starry sky, as I dance in the majesty of the heavens.
I have returned to my star light, and even though I may return—to play again under the sun, my true home will always be here—dancing among the stars.
Copyright © 2010 by Sally Jordan Austin (Morning Star)