Moving slowly, deliberately, or not moving at all could be seen as a way to shift and to dance with time. It could be seen as an opportunity to enter an alternate reality where the space, allowed through that rest, is filled with creatorship. This can be likened to the space that existed before the big bang—where all things occurred and were brought into being.
Sloth, the slowness, the beingness to do nothing. But is it nothing? Is it not, could it not be, the time to taste the nectar of the heavens? Could it be a time to allow all outer things to fall away, and to let the moss gather on the external for a while? It is a time to be called within to the deepness that is waiting, the stillness that is present all the time.
It is the moment where boredom, doing less, or nothing at all allows the veil to be lifted. It can be a moment when we shift and merge into the heart of the Source light, and experience this deep energy within, that is transforming us. Through connecting to the stillness of our inner being, thereby allowing such receiving, everything is transformed. Through slowness and our stillness of doing no-thing, our cup—of our being—is filled with light. It infiltrates our consciousness and transforms our cellular structure, and our neural memory and pathways. All that we have to do is to receive and take in this light, the eternal light of creation that exists beyond, and yet within, all forms and movement.
In this state, of what I would call our spiritual sloth, we become new beings, and through this slowness the particles of light begin to shine. Our outer casing then shatters its illusion of form, and eventually the wall of this outer shell begins to break apart and then fall away.
All of this occurs by sitting in the stillness and returning to the power within, the greatest power of All—of the great All that is the light. It has the power to shape the mountain, to create from the seed the beautiful flower, and within us it has the power to create all things anew. All this is given as we return and embrace our spiritual sloth.