You do not walk those pathways, upon the mountain,
for they are simply part of the journey
—the terrain of outer limits--
that point the way home.
Once you stand at the center
you see those pathways, that you've followed,
and allow them to dissolve
—existing, then, beyond your realm of truth.
On this pinnacle you stand
with your face turned towards the rising sun,
that vital force within you,
that light of great Spirit that is you,
and that you have come to know.
You stand and face the Sun
—as a child returned to the light--
and know that this is All
that truly is.
for they are simply part of the journey
—the terrain of outer limits--
that point the way home.
Once you stand at the center
you see those pathways, that you've followed,
and allow them to dissolve
—existing, then, beyond your realm of truth.
On this pinnacle you stand
with your face turned towards the rising sun,
that vital force within you,
that light of great Spirit that is you,
and that you have come to know.
You stand and face the Sun
—as a child returned to the light--
and know that this is All
that truly is.